Friday, September 17, 2010


wow,it been looonnnggg.....
but hello now:)
was'nt able to type cus i was busy with exams(eoy's were 3 wks aft hols!)
and i wont be typing till they are over so till ten
you know you love me

Friday, August 27, 2010

straight ahead.

sorrie,did'nt post ufor quite a while....(i was lazy xD)
anywayz,CT2 over,grades have improved:)have to star mugging for EOY's now:(
attending guitar now
gotta get a song down cold by nxt fri :)
i learned a lot of lessons during the past few months
cant say wat,they're CONFIDENTIAL:p
holidays a week away!!yeah!!!teacher's day is also around the corner,plannin' to buy 'Teacher's Report Card' frm Action City 4 miss aw:)
gonna let the class write their wishes-so guys,take note!
holidays,plan to sleep over at one of my bud's place
and also plannin' to head down to the city,catch STEP UP,parents say maybe we can head to Universal Studios(xD)..
and also-REVISION.
EOY's 3 wks aft hols
but,sadly,we cant do anything:(
so yup,that's all that ive been up too...
keep on shakin' those hips;)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


he he....nice?
today was the day of the whole YOG thing.
so had the periods before recess only(YES!!!!!)
then assembled @ the hall @ 11.15 for instructions
then 1-D aliens stationed themselves @ Senja Grand,so did a whole other bunch of classes but who cares bout them?(no offence:)
then we waited.
and finally it came,cheered(most of us),took pics,then we went bck for performances.
Team Uzbekistan was here!(only psyched bout this lil' piece of info:))
then bck to hall,praise:),cheer,got coupon for A BOTTLE OF COKE!!!!!!xD(and bout this tooxD)
then we had Sci remedial(Sci CT2 this Fri:( )
then,decided not to go 4 SLC cus i wanted to do i bit more revision.
so yea,thats pretty much all the interesting bits i have to tell all of you for now so till next time.:)
you know you love me
-Rate Ralalage Vidurangee Yashora Samaradivakara (this is for all you awesome ppl who love my name;)) 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

lets just stop the madness for a while.

i sound like a WITCH.
expecting visitors(one of which who is NOT WELCOME)to sleep over.
whoopee,yup,my life is so awesome-.-'
well it is but,not in this case.
Geog and Hist CT2 yesterday
didnt manage to complete last SBQ of hist-freak dat but Geog was the usual:)
Sci nxt Fri.gonna revise for it.

anyway,i wanna head down to the city again to chill.
hope i can.
you know you love me

Monday, August 2, 2010


I HATE THE FLU.dont you?
well,yesterday,i didn't want to go to school.
but i went anyway.
and tried my best not to sneeze during home econs.
and tried not to look retarded during photo-taking.
oh,did i mention i slept through the whole of math cus my brain was lacking sugar?
yes,no sugar rushes yesterday:(
none today eitherT.T
but wateve,panadol is working baby!!!!!!!!xD
but im still coughing:(
but i'll be bck in school 2moro anyway
anyways,eating lunch:)
type l8er.
you know you love me

Friday, July 30, 2010


went my first guitar practice:)
surprised on how easy playing the guitar is!!
already have a guitar at home,gonna get it re-stringed hopefully by the next practice:)
anyways,FINALLY FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nxt week,hist+geog examT.T
oh well,chiong!!!!!
ok,nothin else.
you know you love me

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

cries of the little devils

attended SLC as a volun teer 2day.
couldn't manage to find ms espleth xie so i didn't join it yet:)
anywayz,went to kindergaten 2day
kids were so uber cute luh!!!!
this chubby indian kid LOVES ME!!!!!!
hahas,i so gd wit little angels......(well,for now they're angles:))
helped the teacher around a bit yea thats all......
sounds boring but its mediocre lah.......:)
had hist remidial 2day
just wanna thank ms chia for all the hard work she has put into helping us soo much:)we should really be nicer to her,she really is trying to help us:)
rest of schoo, was normal lah.....:)
so yea,type again another time:)
you know you love me

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

no one will know

isn't this background so cool n awesome?
i think it is:)
anyways,im typing this while searching 4 a twitter background cus im sick of the current one:p
quit netball(i know all the netball gurls despise me for this,sorrie!)joining SLC +guitar:)
mind you all to not tell my sri lankan friends cus i dont know how they're gonna respond to this-.-'
wateve,so why did i quit?dont get me wrong,i love being in the sun and getting sweaty:)
but,honestly,im quitting cus i dont think that it'll be relevant in any way to my future.
sure,you learn many good values and ppl might say im giving up an opportunity of an life time but i think that i can learn these same values from other experiences.
and all though ive repeated this over and over again to my parents,they still think im getting bulied by someone on the team.-.-
but wateve,my choice.:)
school is the usual
got selected for SC:)
exams comin up,not really stressed,tryin to chill as much as possible so that i wont overdrive:)
so yea,nothin much has changed:)
now the question is:
when will the changes arrive?
you know you love me

Saturday, July 24, 2010

city lights

went to the city yesterday:)(gosh how much i love that place:))
mainly to Cineleisure Orchard 2 catch 'Despicable Me':)
great movie,surprisingly the theater hall was quite small but in any case,LOVE THE MOVIE:)
didnt get to go to New Look and buy some stuff cus the movie ended @ like 11+ so...:(
mus go there again aft exams!:)
hahaz,i love the city:)
oki,thats all,gtg
~you know you love me


Thursday, July 22, 2010

long long ago,times were different.

hey,long time nvr post:)
sorrie,crammed wif work:)
lots happened:)
had napfa 2day-.-
mediocre bout that(a vocab which B always uses:))
anyway,the stress is piling in.
trying to spread my work through the weekend so as to prevent my brain from bursting:)
overall,im still alive and kickin':)
oki,mus go now
i know its short but i have damn homework to complete so bb!!!!
you know you love me~


Thursday, July 8, 2010


im gonna go quickly cus i have to start revising(i told you i was gonna do kick-ass studying this term!)
so,yea,this term cap with mr chang.
yea i know,its really scary in his lessons.its like he's gonna ponce on you and eat you up ALIVE.
oh and the 1st thing he said to us was 'Welcome to hell.'
i know.
and the place is like a grave yard.
sooo cold(he turns on the air-con at like -30 degrees) so dead.
we have a new geog teacher too.
miss chan-im neutral bout her but she's REALLY FAST.
well....yea i guess that all the new teachers......
erm......CRAP,ITS 4.18!!!!!
you know you love me

Thursday, July 1, 2010

school,yes,hell has arrived.
but it aint that bad i least i have somethin to do:)
but i still miss the holidays:((((((
oh well.
school was okay i guess...
though those ppl are really making sure we're not wasting our time judging from the amount of homework they give us.-.-'
ok,my arms are so weak frm yesterday's training.
you know you love me

Monday, June 28, 2010

so you're back

sorrie for not posting earlier,i was still dead tire frm the whole trip.
okay,sri lanka:)
i cant tell you guys EVERYTHING so well...
overall it was a tiring and fun trip.:)
but i got sick there when i was in this place called Nuwara-Eliya
its this REALLY DEAD COLD PLACE high up in the mountains and it has these forests which are just like the ones in fairy tales(will post pics soon:))
so yea i got a SUPER-MASSIVE headache and i vomited twice and i had absolutely no appetite
the doctor said it was due to climate change cus i was in Matale first where the weather is temperate so yea.
still recovering from it but i was in school 2day so yes,im doing pretty okay and im trying not to strain myself.
oh yes.School.with a capital 'S'.
not saying it sucks to be back i mean its okay i think cus now we get to tackle more challenges.
ooh yes,i LOVE challenges:)
overall 2day was fine,i didn't get into trouble for anything:)
hahas,ok now that you know im alive i mus log off and continue with my kick-CA2's-arse studying.:)
you know you love me

just lettin you guys know im alive:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

it has arrived

ok,im gonna go as fast as i can
lst post b4 i jet off:)
will try my best to get all of you one bubble gum stick each.
but dont yell at me if i finish all of them;)
was downloading lotsa songs jus now:)
bags all packed,just have to put a few cosmetics in:)
flight at 4,taxi arriving at 1:)
so pls,all texts banned after 4 cus i'll be like 5000km in the air:)
vry excited
going to my uncle's hous1st(bungalow!!!!!)
visiting my two adorable and spoilt cousins:)
then off to country,visit daddy's side of the fam.:)
then bck to city for uncle's wedding:)
dunno whether im going bck to country or not but when i come back ill give you the lil' details:)
okie,mus say goodbye now.
you know you love me

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

god,hurry up pls

bored so i thot i might as well post somethin....
wat do ya think of the pic???
i think its okay...
k,gtg,mom yellin

y cant you just make up your mind for once

math and geog remedial canceled so im free 
and very BORED
2 more excruciatingly slow days to go....
the sweet escape...days away
cant wait:)
birthday in 9 more days:)
13 yrs
gone in a flash
the way the wind carries time.....
anyway,2day,nothin much to say
math remedial
bindi gone for civil service T.T
had fun wif K and S
then settled down on my pillow to dream
7.30,awoke from sweetness
and here im
oki,nothin to say

Sunday, May 30, 2010

hey again

yea,i changed mi blog
cus the other one went haywire
anyways,today woke up at 6.15 for taraining.
then go to school, arrive at 8.
waited wif yun ying for the rest.
8.30---coach not there
8.50----still not in sight
si ying texted her,NO TRAINING!!!!
haizz,wake up early for nothing....
so Go BPP wif yun ying
planning to go library but closed....
so loiter,loiter,loiter...
yun ying went back
check whether library open---negetive
went back
waited out side for mom for like 1 and a half hr!
finally she came.
bath,then here i am:)
cant wait for friday man!!!!!!!
4pm,boarding plane!!!!>.<
will remember you all!!!
dont worry,will get you something ;)
photos will be uploaded on FB asap
will be bck online on the 28th:)
oki,mus go now